To promote a research culture amongst the faculty members and students
along with necessary infrastructure and support facilities
The R&D Cell is constituted with the following OBJECTIVES:-
- To cultivate strong research culture amongst faculty members and students.
- To embed research in all levels of academic activity (undergraduate,
postgraduate and PhD).
- To increase the quantity and quality of our research outcomes.
- To increase the sources of external research funding in order to build
capacity, create new knowledge and research quality.
As regards institute policy towards accomplishing above stated tasks the policy comprises
following issues (i) Determination of Short Term Goals (ii) Long term goals
Short term goals (2 years):
- To prepare annual research activity plan for all the departments.
- Take up appropriate problems of the industry for finding solutions through R&D projects
assigned to faculty and students.
- To motivate students for presenting papers in National and International conferences and
projects in competitions and exhibitions. Inter departmental / collaborative work to be
- To monitor progress of the research and development activity.
Long term goals (5 years) :
We aim to frame regulations and systematize procedures to establish the scope for
innovative research, promote the scientific interests of the students and faculty members,
- Faculty members can conduct value added training program within the institute or at
client site
- To depute senior faculty to various research organizations for getting collaborative
projects and adopting best practices.
- To increase the funding beyond one crore