About Training & Placement:

Anjuman College of Engineering & Technology has full-fledged and well equipped Training and Placement Department led by Prof.Khwaja Ramizuddin as the Head of Training & Placement. Training and Placement Cell is an integral part of our institution.The institute has provided the complete infrastructure for effective functioning of the cell. The cell is sensitized to function all through the year towards generating placement and training opportunities for the students.The cell is designed to function with a high degree of professionalism.It provides almost instantaneous data to the corporate sector with regard to the candidates available for consideration towards placement in accordance with the preserved requirements. Indeed,we have been appreciated more often by the industrial houses for this special feature embedded in our work philosophy.

Prof. Khwaja Ramizuddin (Head, T&P, ACET)

T & P Cell at a Glance:

  • Exploring placement opportunities by inviting various companies for campus recruitment of students.
  • To create a corporate friendly atmosphere in the college campus and to train & prepare the students,to face the rigors of professional world.
  • To create ACET as a preferred destination for MNC’s to conduct their placement activities.


  • More than 225 companies visited for recruitment.
  • More than 50% students got placed in the companies like TCS, WIPRO, CAPGEMINI, ZENSAR, IBM, PERSISTENT, PERFICIENT, JARO EDUCATION, INFOCEPT, INEXTURE, IMS and many more...
  • Highest package offered to our student Mr. Dhiraj Gede of Rs.7.50 LPA by RAJA SOFTWARE.

ACET Training & Placement cell has maintained good and strong relationship with Industries across the country and as a result,has built up an impressive placement record both in terms of percentage of registered students placed,as well as the number of companies visiting the campus.