nptel invoice database | |
DELNET- SEARCH | | DELNET Discovery Portal |
delnet e.books | |
delnet list of e journals | |
delnet Invoice 2020-2021 | |
Sr. No. |
Title Name |
1. |
0038-1101 |
Solid-State Electronics |
2. |
0967-0661 |
Control Engineering Practice |
3. |
0968-090X |
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies |
4. |
1350-6307 |
Engineering Failure Analysis |
5. |
0020-7403 |
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences |
6. |
0735-1933 |
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer |
7. |
0017-9310 |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
8. |
0022-5096 |
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids |
9. |
0301-9322 |
International Journal of Multiphase Flow |
10. |
0306-4379 |
Information Systems |
11. |
0306-4573 |
Information Processing & Management |
12. |
0021-8928 |
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
13. |
1365-1609 |
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences |
14. |
0890-6955 |
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture |
15. |
0005-1098 |
Automatica |
16. |
0026-2714 |
Microelectronics Reliability |
17. |
0020-7225 |
International Journal of Engineering Science |
18. |
0895-6111 |
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics |
19. |
0360-1323 |
Building and Environment |
20. |
0020-7683 |
International Journal of Solids and Structures |
21. |
0020-7462 |
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics |
22. |
0305-0548 |
Computers & Operations Research |
23. |
0898-1221 |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
24. |
0022-4898 |
Journal of Terramechanics |
25. |
0094-114X |
Mechanism and Machine Theory |
26. |
0198-9715 |
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems |
27. |
0094-5765 |
Acta Astronautica |
28. |
0029-8018 |
Ocean Engineering |
29. |
0021-9290 |
Journal of Biomechanics |
30. |
0013-7944 |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics |
31. |
0031-3203 |
Pattern Recognition |
32. |
0016-0032 |
Journal of the Franklin Institute |
33. |
0001-4575 |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
34. |
0098-1354 |
Computers & Chemical Engineering |
35. |
1477-8424 |
Computer Languages |
36. |
0010-4825 |
Computers in Biology and Medicine |
37. |
0008-8846 |
Advanced Cement Based Materials |
38. |
0045-7949 |
Computers & Structures |
39. |
0045-7930 |
Computers & Fluids |
40. |
0045-7906 |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
41. |
0097-8493 |
Computers & Graphics |
42. |
0093-6413 |
Mechanics Research Communications |
43. |
1476-9271 |
Computational Biology and Chemistry |
44. |
0098-3004 |
Computers & Geosciences |
45. |
0360-8352 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering |
46. |
0376-0421 |
Progress in Aerospace Sciences |
47. |
1367-5788 |
Annual Reviews in Control |
48. |
0360-1285 |
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science |
49. |
0965-8564 |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice |
50. |
1359-4311 |
Applied Thermal Engineering |
51. |
0172-2190 |
World Patent Information |
52. |
0022-4375 |
Journal of Safety Research |
53. |
0734-743X |
International Journal of Impact Engineering |
54. |
0736-5853 |
Telematics and Informatics |
55. |
0736-5845 |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems |
56. |
0747-5632 |
Computers in Human Behavior |
57. |
0749-6419 |
International Journal of Plasticity |
58. |
0886-7798 |
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology |
59. |
0893-6080 |
Neural Networks |
60. |
0893-9659 |
Applied Mathematics Letters |
61. |
0957-4158 |
Mechatronics |
62. |
0957-4174 |
Expert Systems with Applications |
63. |
1471-7727 |
Accounting, Management and Information Technologies |
64. |
0960-1481 |
Renewable Energy |
65. |
0952-1976 |
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
66. |
1359-8368 |
Composites Engineering |
67. |
1369-8001 |
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing |
68. |
1526-6125 |
Journal of Manufacturing Processes |
69. |
1468-1218 |
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications |
70. |
0965-9978 |
Advances in Engineering Software |
71. |
0003-682X |
Applied Acoustics |
72. |
0306-2619 |
Applied Energy |
73. |
0141-1187 |
Applied Ocean Research |
74. |
1474-0346 |
Advanced Engineering Informatics |
75. |
0958-9465 |
Cement and Concrete Composites |
76. |
0266-352X |
Computers and Geotechnics |
77. |
0263-8223 |
Composite Structures |
78. |
0266-3538 |
Composites Science and Technology |
79. |
0143-7208 |
Dyes and Pigments |
80. |
0955-7997 |
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements |
81. |
1364-8152 |
Environmental Modelling & Software |
82. |
0379-7112 |
Fire Safety Journal |
83. |
0266-1144 |
Geotextiles and Geomembranes |
84. |
0308-0161 |
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping |
85. |
0143-974X |
Journal of Constructional Steel Research |
86. |
0951-8339 |
Marine Structures |
87. |
0143-8166 |
Optics and Lasers in Engineering |
88. |
0964-5691 |
Ocean & Coastal Management |
89. |
0266-8920 |
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics |
90. |
0951-8320 |
Reliability Engineering & System Safety |
91. |
0267-7261 |
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
92. |
0263-8231 |
Thin-Walled Structures |
93. |
0956-5663 |
Biosensors and Bioelectronics |
94. |
1361-3723 |
Computer Fraud & Security |
95. |
0267-3649 |
Computer Law & Security Review |
96. |
0167-4048 |
Computers & Security |
97. |
0278-6125 |
Journal of Manufacturing Systems |
98. |
0026-2692 |
Microelectronics Journal |
99. |
0262-1762 |
World Pumps |
100. |
1350-4789 |
Sealing Technology |
101. |
1353-4858 |
Network Security |
102. |
1359-6128 |
Pump Industry Analyst |
103. |
2214-2126 |
Information Security Technical Report |
104. |
0969-4765 |
Biometric Technology Today |
105. |
0362-546X |
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications |
106. |
0003-6870 |
Applied Ergonomics |
107. |
0142-9612 |
Biomaterials |
108. |
1359-835X |
Composites |
109. |
0010-4485 |
Computer-Aided Design |
110. |
0950-0618 |
Construction and Building Materials |
111. |
0142-694X |
Design Studies |
112. |
0141-0296 |
Engineering Structures |
113. |
0955-5986 |
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation |
114. |
0143-7496 |
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives |
115. |
0142-0615 |
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems |
116. |
0142-1123 |
International Journal of Fatigue |
117. |
0140-7007 |
International Journal of Refrigeration |
118. |
0950-4230 |
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries |
119. |
0959-1524 |
Journal of Process Control |
120. |
0308-597X |
Marine Policy |
121. |
0264-1275 |
Materials & Design |
122. |
1350-4533 |
Medical Engineering & Physics |
123. |
0963-8695 |
NDT & E International |
124. |
0030-3992 |
Optics & Laser Technology |
125. |
1751-6161 |
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials |
126. |
0308-5961 |
Telecommunications Policy |
127. |
0301-679X |
Tribology International |
128. |
1746-8094 |
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control |
129. |
1742-2876 |
Digital Investigation |
130. |
1742-7061 |
Acta Biomaterialia |
131. |
1540-7489 |
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute |
132. |
1748-0132 |
Nano Today |
133. |
1751-1577 |
Journal of Informetrics |
134. |
0007-8506 |
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology |
135. |
1751-570X |
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems |
136. |
1001-6058 |
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B |
137. |
1755-5817 |
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology |
138. |
1875-5372 |
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering |
139. |
1672-6529 |
Journal of Bionic Engineering |
140. |
0933-3657 |
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
141. |
0168-1699 |
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture |
142. |
0167-1987 |
Soil Technology |
143. |
0011-9164 |
Desalination |
144. |
0377-0257 |
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics |
145. |
0010-4655 |
Computer Physics Communications |
146. |
0167-6105 |
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics |
147. |
0167-6636 |
Mechanics of Materials |
148. |
0167-8442 |
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics |
149. |
0004-3702 |
Artificial Intelligence |
150. |
0926-5805 |
Automation in Construction |
151. |
0925-7721 |
Computational Geometry |
152. |
0167-8396 |
Computer Aided Geometric Design |
153. |
0140-3664 |
Computer Communications |
154. |
1389-1286 |
Computer Networks |
155. |
0920-5489 |
Computer Standards & Interfaces |
156. |
0169-023X |
Data & Knowledge Engineering |
157. |
0166-218X |
Discrete Applied Mathematics |
158. |
0141-9382 |
Displays |
159. |
0168-874X |
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design |
160. |
0167-739X |
Future Generation Computer Systems |
161. |
0262-8856 |
Image and Vision Computing |
162. |
0950-5849 |
Information and Software Technology |
163. |
0020-0190 |
Information Processing Letters |
164. |
0169-8141 |
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics |
165. |
0167-9260 |
Integration, the VLSI Journal |
166. |
0304-3886 |
Journal of Electrostatics |
167. |
0950-7051 |
Knowledge-Based Systems |
168. |
0378-4754 |
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation |
169. |
0167-9317 |
Microelectronic Engineering |
170. |
1383-7621 |
Journal of Systems Architecture |
171. |
0141-9331 |
Microprocessors and Microsystems |
172. |
0925-2312 |
Neurocomputing |
173. |
0167-8191 |
Parallel Computing |
174. |
0167-8655 |
Pattern Recognition Letters |
175. |
0166-5316 |
Performance Evaluation |
176. |
0921-8890 |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems |
177. |
0167-6423 |
Science of Computer Programming |
178. |
0165-1684 |
Signal Processing |
179. |
0923-5965 |
Signal Processing: Image Communication |
180. |
1569-190X |
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory |
181. |
0167-6393 |
Speech Communication |
182. |
0304-3975 |
Theoretical Computer Science |
183. |
0378-3839 |
Coastal Engineering |
184. |
0924-2716 |
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
185. |
0167-9473 |
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis |
186. |
0166-3615 |
Computers in Industry |
187. |
0167-9236 |
Decision Support Systems |
188. |
0377-2217 |
European Journal of Operational Research |
189. |
0165-0114 |
Fuzzy Sets and Systems |
190. |
0378-7206 |
Information & Management |
191. |
0925-5273 |
International Journal of Production Economics |
192. |
0019-0578 |
ISA Transactions |
193. |
0272-6963 |
Journal of Operations Management |
194. |
0963-8687 |
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems |
195. |
0263-2241 |
Measurement |
196. |
0925-7535 |
Safety Science |
197. |
0167-4730 |
Structural Safety |
198. |
0167-6911 |
Systems & Control Letters |
199. |
1568-4946 |
Applied Soft Computing |
200. |
1007-5704 |
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
201. |
1570-8268 |
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web |
202. |
1570-8705 |
Ad Hoc Networks |
203. |
1573-4277 |
Optical Switching and Networking |
204. |
1574-1192 |
Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
205. |
1361-8415 |
Medical Image Analysis |
206. |
1566-2535 |
Information Fusion |
207. |
1567-4223 |
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications |
208. |
0927-0256 |
Computational Materials Science |
209. |
0894-9166 |
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica |
210. |
0045-7825 |
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering |
211. |
0925-9635 |
Diamond and Related Materials |
212. |
0378-7796 |
Electric Power Systems Research |
213. |
0378-7788 |
Energy and Buildings |
214. |
0920-3796 |
Fusion Engineering and Design |
215. |
0924-0136 |
Journal of Materials Processing Technology |
216. |
0029-5493 |
Nuclear Engineering and Design |
217. |
0924-4247 |
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical |
218. |
0925-4005 |
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical |
219. |
0043-1648 |
Wear |
220. |
0307-904X |
Applied Mathematical Modelling |
221. |
0010-2180 |
Combustion and Flame |
222. |
0894-1777 |
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science |
223. |
0142-727X |
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow |
224. |
0888-613X |
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning |
225. |
0020-0255 |
Information Sciences |
226. |
1093-3263 |
Journal of Molecular Graphics |
227. |
0164-1212 |
Journal of Systems and Software |
228. |
0141-6359 |
Precision Engineering |
229. |
0169-2607 |
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine |
230. |
1386-5056 |
International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing |
231. |
1005-8885 |
The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications |
232. |
0196-8904 |
Energy Conversion and Management |
233. |
1874-4907 |
Physical Communication |
234. |
1874-5482 |
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection |
235. |
1875-9521 |
Entertainment Computing |
236. |
1877-7503 |
Journal of Computational Science |
237. |
1878-7789 |
Nano Communication Networks |
238. |
2210-6502 |
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation |
239. |
1270-9638 |
Aerospace Science and Technology |
240. |
1631-0721 |
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics |
241. |
0997-7538 |
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids |
242. |
0997-7546 |
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids |
243. |
1959-7568 |
IRBM News |
244. |
1290-0729 |
International Journal of Thermal Sciences |
245. |
1389-0417 |
Cognitive Systems Research |
246. |
0030-4026 |
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics |
247. |
1434-8411 |
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications |
248. |
0939-3889 |
Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik |
249. |
1644-9665 |
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
250. |
1532-0464 |
Computers and Biomedical Research |
251. |
1077-3142 |
Computer Vision and Image Understanding |
252. |
1051-2004 |
Digital Signal Processing |
253. |
1524-0703 |
Graphical Models |
254. |
0890-5401 |
Information and Computation |
255. |
0021-9991 |
Journal of Computational Physics |
256. |
0022-0000 |
Journal of Computer and System Sciences |
257. |
0743-7315 |
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing |
258. |
1047-3203 |
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation |
259. |
1068-5200 |
Optical Fiber Technology |
260. |
1071-5819 |
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies |
261. |
1537-5110 |
Biosystems Engineering |
262. |
0022-460X |
Journal of Sound and Vibration |
263. |
1084-8045 |
Journal of Microcomputer Applications |
264. |
0885-2308 |
Computer Speech & Language |
265. |
0888-3270 |
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
266. |
0889-9746 |
Journal of Fluids and Structures |
267. |
1045-926X |
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing |
268. |
2210-6707 |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
269. |
2210-5379 |
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems |
270. |
1549-9634 |
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine |
271. |
1574-0137 |
Computer Science Review |
272. |
2212-8689 |
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction |
273. |
1959-0318 |
274. |
0208-5216 |
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering |
275. |
2214-2096 |
Vehicular Communications |